VA Newsletter
The VA Voice
A monthly newsletter by Low VA Rates
Just wanted to write and say how impressed I have been with our VA loan refinance process. Everyone that I spoke with was very professional and knowledgable. You can do no better! You are honest and completely trustworthy. I would recommend LowVARates to anyone! Thanks for exceeding my expectations.

Jared T.
Volume 01 - Inaugural Issue of The VA Voice
Here at Low VA Rates we are excited to share with you our inaugural Military Housing Benefits Newsletter. As we share this newsletter with you each month, we hope you will find its contents fun to read, informative, helpful. We would love if you found something in each edition that made your life better each month. We hope you enjoy The VA Voice Newsletter!
Volume 02 - The VA Voice, December 2014
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! The December issue of the VA Voice Newsletter will help veterans and military families prepare for the holiday season. We hope you enjoy The December VA Voice Newsletter!
Volume 03 - The VA Voice, January 2015
We are excited to offer you The VA Voice January Newsletter. In this edition we discuss Identity Theft prevention and give more details about the Low VA Rates College Scholarship. We hop you enjoy The VA Voice Newsletter!
Volume 04 - The VA Voice, February 2015
This month's newsletter features an article on the growth of Low VA Rates and gives home owners some tips on how to pay off your mortgage sooner. We also have a new social media contest and a chance to $50 with the military trivia question. Enjoy!
Volume 05 - The VA Voice, March 2015
This month's newsletter features an article about military/veteran college benefits. We also have a new social media contest with the winner receiving $1000. As always there is also the chance to $50 with the military trivia question. Enjoy!