Iowa offers an excellent range of benefits for military veterans and active duty personnel, including VA home loans, help in earning a degree or landing a job, tax exemptions, free hunting licenses, and much more. These benefits can save you money, help you earn an income, and improve your quality of life in other ways.
Veteran Home Loans
If you're a member of the Army stationed in Iowa, you might want to think about buying a home near one of the following military bases:

Whether you're stationed here or are a veteran now living in Iowa, you may be eligible to receive a VA loan, a type of mortgage that helps military personnel and veterans to buy a home.
Eligible veterans and servicemembers can apply for VA home loans anywhere in the US, because they're backed up by the VA. However, the actual loans are provided by private lenders who are VA-approved.
VA loans are superior to many other mortgages because:
- They offer lower interest rates
- They don't require a down payment
- They're easier to qualify for
- They don't require private mortgage insurance (PMI) payments
You can get more information on our page about VA loans, or call Low VA Rates at 866-569-8272.
Homeownership Assistance Grant
This benefit takes the form of a $5,000 grant to buy a home in Iowa. You can qualify if:
- You were active duty on or after September 11, 2001 or you served at least 90 days during the period of August 2, 1990 to April 6, 1991
- You bought a home in Iowa after March 10, 2005
To qualify for the grant, you'll also need approval from the Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) before you purchase the home, use an IFA-approved lender, and buy a home that conforms to IFA guidelines.
Veteran Housing Benefits
Property Tax Exemption
This Iowa state benefit reduces the amount your property is said to be worth so that you can pay less in taxes. The exemption amount is different for each person, so visit for more information. A key requirement is that you have to have owned the property from July 1 onward for each year that you claim, and you need to file a claim by July 1. But you don't have to file a claim on the same property every year.
Disabled Veteran Homestead Tax Credit
This is a 2014 Iowa law that can give you a 100% exemption on your property taxes if you are 100% disabled as a result of your military service and can't work. This also applies to those who are receiving Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) payments. Go to the Iowa Department of Revenue's website to check your eligibility and to apply.
Housing Assistance for Homeless Veterans
Some of the resources available for homeless veterans in Iowa are:
- Operation Home – Run by HACAP in 11 of Iowa's counties, Operation Home helps homeless veterans find stable housing as well as temporary financial assistance. It is funded by a Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) grant from the VA. You can view eligibility requirements here.
- The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) – By partnering with shelters and other organizations in Iowa, the NCHV is able to provide help for Iowa's homeless veterans, as well as those veterans who are in danger of becoming homeless. See their list of local organizations that can help.
- HUD-VASH – This federal program focuses on helping veterans who are the most vulnerable and have been chronically homeless, as well as those who face obstacles to finding housing. Contact the Iowa branch to find out if you're eligible.
Veteran Education & Employment Benefits
Iowa State Education Benefits
The Iowa Department of Education houses the Iowa State Approval Agency, which is the body that approves all the educational programs that veterans, servicemembers, and their family members can use through the GI Bill. To contact them, call (515) 281-3516 or the support specialist at (515) 281-3317, extension 3317.
To see all the educational institutions with veteran-friendly programs in Iowa, use the VA's Weams Institution Search. On that site, click on Iowa (IA) in the U.S. map.
Below are some of Iowa's educational programs that may apply to you.
Branstad/Reynolds Scholarship Fund
This fund, administered by the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, makes higher-education scholarships available for the children of military personnel who died after September 11, 2001, while on active duty. Students can use funds for tuition, books, housing, and other education expenses. You can fill out an application on the Iowa VA website.
War Orphan Tuition Assistance
Students younger than 27 can qualify for up to $11,844 per year toward tuition to an Iowa post-secondary school. They are eligible if they are Iowa residents and were dependents of veterans who were killed in action after September 11, 2001. If the parent was killed in action before September 11, 2001, dependents can receive $600 per year, capped at a total of $3,000.
National Guard Tuition Benefits
If you're a member of the National Guard in good standing, you may qualify for tuition assistance of up to $2,700 per semester—if you're a full-time student. Part-time students can qualify for $196 per semester hour. If your unit is mobilized, you'll get a refund of your tuition. Visit the Iowa National Guard website for more details.
Operation Recognition
If you qualify for this benefit, you may be able to receive an honorary high school diploma if you were unable to finish high school in Iowa because you enlisted in the military during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War. Simply fill out an application, which includes your dates of service and the high school you were attending.
Iowa Employment Benefits
Iowa has many benefits to help veterans find work after serving in the military. There are some programs unique to Iowa and some federal programs. Iowa veterans can also receive on-the-job training and can get special preference in getting job interviews.
Home Base Iowa Program
Home Base Iowa (HBI) helps Iowa's businesses find veterans who are qualified to work for them. It also connects military servicemembers to job opportunities where their skills can be useful as they're transitioning into the workforce. HBI helps veterans and their families get more education. HBI has a helpful staff who know how to guide you through the transition to civilian work and who strive to make Iowa a welcoming and friendly place for veterans seeking employment.
Use HBI's job search webpage to research your area of job interest. It'll attempt to match you with one or more of the 1,900+ businesses that have partnered with HBI and have committed to hiring veterans. These businesses are also actively searching for skilled and semi-skilled workers, so it's to your benefit to post your resume on the website.
Iowa Veteran Employment Centers
Iowa has Regional Workforce Development Centers, which each have a Veterans Employment Representative working for veterans in that area. Services they provide include finding job opportunities, partnering with employers, helping veterans to prepare for job interviews and write resumes, finding good training programs, and much more. To find one near you, use the map on
Veterans' Employment Preference
This benefit applies to veterans who were honorably discharged and who are applying to civilian jobs working for the federal government, the state of Iowa, public works, counties, cities, or schools. It doesn't automatically get you a job or get you a promotion or transfer you want. But it can push you to the front of the line to get a job interview. You have to be an eligible veteran based on certain qualifications, which are important to review.
Apprenticeships and On-the-Job Training
Iowa's State Approving Agency (SAA) inspects and approves apprenticeships and on-the-job training programs. If you are qualified for the GI Bill, you can find one of these programs and gain skills while working full-time and earning an income. You'll have to get approval from the state of Iowa first to start earning the benefits of the GI Bill.
ESGR is a federal program that helps resolve conflicts between employers and members of the National Guard or Army Reserve. Because these members occasionally may have to leave work to fulfill their military duties, a group of experienced volunteers help both employers and servicemembers find resolutions that help everyone involved.
The Iowa ESGR team has 110 volunteers and three full-time employees who all work to educate all parties on their duties under the law—to educate in order to prevent negative incidents. Iowa's employers have a great track record of supporting Iowa's National Guard and Army Reserve members.
Other Veteran Benefits
Military Retirement Tax Exemption
Iowa passed a law in 2014 that saves money for Iowa's veterans and their families. If you receive retirement income from the military, you don't have to pay individual income tax on it. Also, Iowa residents who are receiving survivor benefits from the military are exempt from individual income tax on those.
Iowa passed a law in 2014 that saves money for Iowa's veterans and their families. If you receive retirement income from the military, you don't have to pay individual income tax on it. Also, Iowa residents who are receiving survivor benefits from the military are exempt from individual income tax on those.
Injured Veterans Grant
This is a grant of up to $10,000 for military servicemembers and discharged veterans who have been injured to a certain degree during combat after September 11, 2001. The reason the legislation was passed was to help family members of the servicemember to travel to his or her location and spend time with him or her during recovery. You're encouraged to read the eligibility criteria and then apply for the grant if you think you qualify.
Veteran Designation on Iowa Driver License and ID
You can request to have your driver's license or Iowa state ID card show that you are a veteran, if you were honorably discharged. You can request this any time you want a new card for a fee of $10. This makes it easy to prove your veteran status without carrying military documents. Go to your county or state VA office with your discharge document, and the staff there will get your certification and help you fill out the application.
Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License
Veterans with a service-related disability or who were prisoners of war can receive a lifetime hunting and fishing license for just a $7 administrative fee. In order to qualify, you must have been active duty and honorably discharged.
In addition, if you were born in 1972 or later, you will need to complete a Hunter Education course and receive a safety certificate. If you have already received a Hunter Safety Certificate from another state, you can use this instead of taking the course.
License Plates
As a veteran or servicemember, you can order a customized license plate that shows something about your service history or membership—whether you received a purple heart, are in the Navy, have retired from the Air Force, and many other designations. You'll need a copy of an official government document showing your status. Go to the Iowa Department of Transportation website, scroll down to the type of plate you want, and click on it to see the application instructions.
Iowa Veterans Cemetery
The Iowa Veterans Cemetery, 10 miles west of Des Moines, allows honorably discharged veterans to be interred at no cost. Spouses and dependents can also be buried there for a $300 fee.
Iowa Veterans Trust Fund
Iowa started a multi-million dollar trust fund in 2007, and investment interest from it pays for a range of helpful services for Iowa veterans and their families who are in financial need. You can apply to the fund for:
- Unemployment or underemployment caused by your military service
- Medical help
- Counseling
- Vehicle and home repairs
- Emergency housing
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Staff at the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) work hard to help veterans and their families to learn about all the benefits they qualify for from the VA and the state of Iowa.
Applications, claims, and correspondence can be frustrating and confusing, and IDVA specialists are happy to help veterans fill out forms and even to challenge claims decisions that were incorrect. Call the IDVA office at (515) 252-4698 or (800) 838-4692 to speak with a benefit specialist.
About Low VA Rates
Low VA Rates is approved by the VA and helps veterans and military servicemembers to put their VA loan entitlement to good use with quality VA loans. We've specialized in this ever since we were founded, building up experience while serving those who have served us.
If you're looking for veteran loans in Iowa, contact Low VA Rates. We'll give you a free quote, explain your options, help you get your proof of entitlement from the VA, and assist you in any other way we can. We're committed to helping you get low veteran loans rates in Iowa.
If you want a free quote or any information about Iowa VA loans, call us at (866) 569-8272 or apply online.