Veterans' Charity Golf Tournament 2016
It’s time again for the annual Foundation Golf Tournament hosted by Low VA Rates. Every year, Low VA Rates provides this excellent opportunity for donors to contribute money to a veteran fund that ensures 100 percent of donations go toward real veterans and military service members. Last year's event was a huge success, and this year is the eighth year Low VA has held this tournament. It usually raises anywhere from $2,000 to $3,500.
In order to give the most we can to these military members and their families, we’re asking everyone to come out on June 23rd at exactly 8am. The tournament will be held in American Fork at the Golf Hollow Golf Course. For a $200 entry fee, you and three others can make a team to show off your golfing skills (or brush them off if you haven’t been out on the green in a while). But don’t think this game is all swing and no competition; if you make one of the top three teams, get ready to win a substantial prize.
This year's prizes include breakfast, lunch, a raffle drawing, an auction, and more. For only $50, it's a great deal - but even more importantly, it's a worthy cause.
To be a part of this cause, sign up here for the 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.