Happy Independence Day!

Low VA Rates Low VA Rates / Published Jul 3, 2016, 10:00 AM

Proud to be an American July 4th, 2016

Are you proud of the country you live in? Is your country proud of you?

This July marks the 240th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. On July 4th, 240 years ago, our Founding Fathers joined together to declare the United States a sovereign nation independent of England, and at that time, the 13 original colonies united into one country. In the time since the country’s birth, millions of troops have fought at home and abroad to protect everything the nation stands for: freedom, safety, and the pursuit of happiness.

Celebrating Independence Day

Even through controversy, turmoil, and heartache, the country still stands today as a symbol of freedom. On July 4th, the national colors of red, white, and blue fly high in every state as a tribute to that freedom and as a reminder that freedom is never free. Americans everywhere spend time with family and attend Independence Day parades, carnivals, and musical performances. As you roast up hot dogs and enjoy the fireworks this year, take time to remember what matters most. Ask yourself what you are most grateful for. Then ponder where those privileges came from. Celebrate our country. Remember our troops.